Dynamics SL serves project-driven businesses with gusto
SL: Improve Operations, Project Management and Reporting
Dynamics SL includes applications for financial management, project management and accounting, distribution, field service, payroll, e-business, and more. By integrating project accounting and financial management into a single system, Microsoft Dynamics SL simplifies business workflow.
Employees can manage account data for projects more efficiently. They can also make the best use of available resources by automatically assigning them to tasks. When combined with Microsoft SQL Server technologies, Microsoft Dynamics SL also consolidates data across applications and platforms, which can then be extended into tools such as Microsoft Business Portal. With this feature, employees can access up-to-the-minute Web-based reports tailored to the specific information they need, no matter where they are.
Crestwood speaks SL
As a provider of Microsoft SL support and migration services, Crestwood has been living and breathing Dynamics SL for almost 20 years. Our team implements, optimizes and supports Dynamics SL customers across the country. Need SL to talk to other systems? No problem, our in-house team of developers, integrators, and customizers is at your service. Get answers to all of your SL questions, our team is poised and ready! Take a look at how we have customized SL to fit how you work, not the other way around, and let us know how our Microsoft SL support and migration services can help you
Some of our favorite Dynamics SL features
Remote Access to Time and Expense Entry
Provide employees easy access to the Microsoft Dynamics SL project time and expense entry, so they can connect and enter information
wherever they are, from their PC, tablet, or smartphone.
Business Analyzer
The Microsoft Dynamics SL Business Analyzer (BA) provides personalized key performance indicators (KPIs) with drill-back capabilities that
let you move from a high-level view down to a specific record, and action buttons to assign tasks and collaborate more easily with others.
Enhanced Role Centers give people quick, portal-based access to reports and deliver insight across the organization, saving time and
money—all without a full user license.
Equipped with the Business Analyzer dashboard, you and your team will quickly track KPIs, anticipate opportunities, delegate tasks, or take
informed action. The Business Analyzer delivers role-specific insight across your business, so each member of your team can drill down to
relevant details, collaborate with others, and take quick action.
Quick Query SSRS Report Generation
Automate the creation of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports from existing or custom Quick Queries. The Report
Generation Wizard:
• Creates and deploys SSRS reports that can be viewed in the Business Analyzer.
• Creates summary and detail reports that provide drill-down capabilities.
• Creates links in SSRS reports to Microsoft Dynamics SL screens.
Hard Close Restriction by Module
Prevent posting batches to prior periods either globally or by Microsoft Dynamics SL module. Provide power users with the ability to
override this feature as needed.
Suppress Batch Control Reports
Suppress the printing of batch control reports either globally or by Microsoft Dynamics SL module.