Data Vault for Acumatica Cloud ERP
Unlock the future of your business! Seamlessly transition from legacy systems to Acumatica, all while retaining full access to your invaluable data.
Plan 1: Crestwood Cloud
Say goodbye to the fear of losing detailed functionalities you cherished in your old ERP. We guarantee the complete transfer of your historical data.
Exclusive Offerings:
Crestwood Cloud Hosting for Dynamics GP/SL ERP: Experience the cloud like never before.
Customized Hosting Solutions: We mold our services to fit your unique requirements.
Legacy Access to GP/SL: Dive into GP/SL with full capabilities, making it feel right at home on your device.
In-depth Reporting & Inquiry Tools: Get insights at your fingertips.
Adaptive Solutions: From catering up to 20 users to inquiry-only roles to single server hosting for environments with 1-2 concurrent users, we have you covered.
ODBC/Data Level Access: Craft custom reports tailored to your business needs.
Empower with PowerBI Gateway: Dive deeper into your data with advanced visualizations and analytics.
Investment Insight: Enjoy minimal initial expenses by leveraging our lift and shift to Azure. Do note, a marginal increment in monthly upkeep is present.
Plan 2: Azure Data Lake
Enjoy uninterrupted access to your invaluable historical data.
Exclusive Offerings:
Azure Data Archive: Transition your data effortlessly to Azure and bid farewell to tedious server maintenance.
eOne PopDock Product: Ready-to-use reporting solutions for diverse standard operations.
Integration with Business Central: Planning to move to BC? Let us flawlessly weave the reporting into BC, ensuring a smooth user experience.
Investment Insight: There may be a slightly elevated initial investment, particularly if numerous reports require archiving. However, the ongoing maintenance expenses are significantly more economical compared to Option 1 is the way to go.
Note: A preliminary setup will be needed for reporting and inquiries as the ERP client isn’t directly archived. PowerBI and PopDock stand at promising choices for this endeavor.