Crestwood Cloud

Cloud Quote Ben Borger

Data Vault Crestwood Cloud Plans

It’s personal…

Whether it’s an extra backup, or your ERP system – Acumatica, Dynamics GP, Dynamics SL, your data is important.  Be aware – not all clouds are created equal and you need a provider who has your back.  The Crestwood Cloud is personal, giving you a complete solution for your business with the power, reliability, and security of Microsoft Azure.  Our team is there for you, with a Microsoft Azure ERP solution you can depend on.

Protection for your business…

Secure your business today.  Ransomware attacks are skyrocketing.  Even if you’re not ready to move everything to the cloud, Crestwood offers a simple and low-cost, monthly backup service that can save your business.  Using Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Vault, we take daily backups and securely store them away from attackers and they can be restored within a matter of minutes.  Not all cloud or routine backups have the point in time restore options to go back before a ransomware attack.  Learn more about this simple protection for your business.

Why the Crestwood Cloud?

We’ve got you covered.  Along with secure protection of your data, we are your concierge service, taking care of your IT and business needs when it comes to your Microsoft Azure ERP solutions.  Yes, we are experts in ERP and Cloud, but we also are your watchdog.  We pride ourselves on getting to know your business, the ins and outs, and developing a personal relationship with you.

Cloud Services

  • Hosted Microsoft Azure ERP Solutions
  • Integrated add-ons for your business needs
  • Profiles and pricing to fit your business size
  • 24/7 monitoring – catching any issues before they become a problem
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly backups with a full recovery model
  • Dedicated Azure IaaS tenant with host VM RDP access at no extra cost

Why host your ERP in the Crestwood Cloud?

A message from Crestwood’s leader on ransomware, security, and the services we have to protect your business.

7 Pitfalls to Avoid as you move to the cloud

Thinking about moving to the cloud?

Download our free whitepaper:
7 Potential Pitfalls to Avoid as You Move to the Cloud

Free Whitepaper
Crestwood Cloud Security image
Cloud ERP
Microsoft Modern Workplace image