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MR CU16 & More

Many Dynamics SL users have been confused by Microsoft’s messaging around Management Reporter (MR). Here’s a question I’ve heard a few times lately: “I’m planning my Dynamics SL 2015 upgrade from Dynamics SL 2011, is it worth migrating to MR if it’s going away?” Here’s the low-down: MR is being sunset – meaning no new service packs (or cumulative updates … Read more

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Date Format Formulas ARM

Some of the most common reporting questions I receive are around formatting dates.  All date formats are controlled by formulas entered in the Column Set.  You just need to enter them as their own line in the Header Section. Here are some tips to get you started. Acumatica Date Formats This formula gives you the Fiscal Period: … Read more

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Error Installing Management Reporter 2012

Error I was installing Management Reporter 2012 CU15 and got the following error: “Management Reporter Setup has ended prematurely” or it might state .NET 4.6 is not installed. Resolution: The fix is to run the Windows Server updates to update the server. This will then allow you to install Management Reporter successfully. The update that … Read more

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