Acumatica and Salesforce Integration
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Can You Really Integrate Salesforce CRM and Acumatica ERP? Yes!

Salesforce and Acumatica have spent the better part of their history in opposition to each other. Salesforce, touted by many as the first SaaS cloud product on the market, has delivered customer relationship management solutions via the internet for the last two decades. Acumatica, on the other hand, launched in 2008 to deliver a suite … Read more

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Cloud ERP Fabrication
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Is the Fabrication Industry Ready for Cloud ERP?

Fabrication is a tough business. Commodities prices fluctuate rapidly, offshoring creates new competition, and new technologies present additional risk. It’s a perfect storm, and to weather it, you need to balance customer-centric business practices with demand for cost optimization, speed, and flexibility. Following our last blog discussing some of the things that fabrication companies including … Read more

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From Nightmare to Triumph – Disaster Recovery and Maintaining Business Continuity with the Crestwood Cloud

If someone asked you right now where your backups are located, would you know? Are you sure your ERP system even HAS reliable backups, with easy access should disaster strike? We don’t ask this to scare you, but we know from experience how critical having a reliable and robust backup plan in place is to … Read more

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Agility Acumatica
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Free Whitepaper: The Value of Agility in ERP During Disruptive Times

Yes, you can survive business disruption, just not with your legacy ERP. This new Whitepaper from Mint Jutras lays out the value of having an agile ERP platform. Disruption Everyone knows it could be coming soon to their market-with or without warning, but nobody likes to think about it.  It’s not just new competition, it’s … Read more

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Cloud Storage OneDrive
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How OneDrive Solved Our Collaboration Issues

As many companies do, Crestwood has regular company-wide calls that are attended by all our employees scattered across the country. The centerpiece of this call is a single PowerPoint presentation. But as each department worked on their respective slides, we were finding that dozens of different copies were being created, changes weren’t being saved, outdated … Read more

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7 Cloud Pitfalls
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Avoid the Pitfall of Thinking that Customizations and Integrations Won’t be an Issue

Keeping up with technology is never-ending, and it can be difficult and costly. But it doesn’t have to be. More and more businesses are choosing to simplify, protect, and secure their business systems by moving to the cloud. Click to download the free whitepaper: 7 Pitfalls to Avoid as You Transition Business Software to the … Read more

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acumatica construction edition
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Introducing Acumatica’s Construction Edition

I was invited to attend Acumatica’s Construction Edition Partner Meeting in sunny Miami Beach. It was a great opportunity to meet many of the innovative executives, developers, and programmers behind the new Construction Edition of this ERP software. Their pride and enthusiasm was contagious. They showed software demonstrations and shared stories of their journey into … Read more

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Computer Security
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How Secure is Your Business?

When’s the last time you thought about security for your business? Or asked your IT team or partner security related questions? Are you sure you’re covered in the event something happens? How much data are you willing to lose? Maybe you are like me, not an expert in security, and not sure about what to … Read more

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Warehouse technology
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Acumatica Warehouse Management Solution Distribution Series Part 1

I work with quite a variety of businesses that all use Acumatica Distribution in their own unique way.  This is the first in a series of blog posts showcasing numerous technology needs of companies I’ve worked with that are manufacturing, assembling, or distributing products. Part 1: WMS – Which Management System & Where to Begin? … Read more

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Hand on mouse
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Mouse Lagging on Remote Connections?

Most of the time I work remotely. It saves me travel time and saves my clients money.  I’m usually connecting to client systems with various VPN’s, etc. Once in awhile, when I’m VPN’d in somewhere, my mouse acts weird. It moves very slowly, like it’s underwater. I found a quick fix – here’s what I … Read more

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What ERP Buyers Want in our Cloud-first World

The ERP landscape has shifted from traditional, on-premise client/server deployments to software-as-a-service, ERP in the cloud.  Buyers have realized this shift has major benefits for their business, including: Scalability Reliability Elasticity Cost Savings Gartner projects huge growth of core ERP systems in the cloud by 2025.  IT leaders also say maintaining hardware, software and … Read more

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Migrating to the Crestwood Cloud, How Does It Work?

You may be wondering how Crestwood takes an on-premise application like the Microsoft Dynamics ERP software suite and migrates it to the cloud, maintaining business continuity during the transition, and how the move benefits your organization.  Let’s take a look at the process. First Things First Crestwood will start by analyzing your existing system, taking … Read more

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