Acumatica Construction Overview
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Acumatica Construction Edition: Taking Businesses into the Future

Construction professionals struggle with many of the same challenges as those in other areas of business, but with an entire set of unique issues. Accounting and ERP software designed specifically for construction contractors, fabrication, home builders, subcontractors, specialty contractors, and land developers with the solutions they require to improve their bottom line, can help keep … Read more

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Cloud Distribution
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8 Ways to Know Your Cloud ERP will Enable Real-time Visibility for Distribution Companies

Distribution businesses need real-time visibility into sales, order management, inventory, purchasing, production and services—and accounting information. Customers and employees now expect to have complete information at their fingertips.  Maybe you’re considering a new or upgraded ERP system?  Cloud solutions can help, but only if they’re built the right way. Do you know the difference between … Read more

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Another Sign That You’ve Outgrown QuickBooks? Managing the Books and Cash Flow Isn’t As Easy As It Used to Be

A QuickBooks History Lesson It wasn’t too long ago that general ledgers and other financial data were kept by hand in notebooks or in rudimentary spreadsheets on the computer. Basic accounting software like QuickBooks soon followed (much to the pleasure of accounting departments everywhere), and it remains a great entry-level tool. But it hasn’t evolved … Read more

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ROI Analysis of ERP Replacement
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What’s Your ROI of a Modern ERP Cloud Solution?

Growing businesses know it’s imperative to upgrade to a modern ERP cloud solution from their legacy system. But such a significant investment of time and money should be researched thoroughly and probably will require evidence of the return on investment. Acumatica’s whitepaper “ROI Analysis of Replacement ERP” provides the tools for doing that. The paper discusses … Read more

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Tracking Purchasing in Acumatica
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Tracking Purchasing in Acumatica – From Requisitions (including Vendor Bidding!) to Receipt

Acumatica can help your business refine your purchasing process to reduce unnecessary spending and to simply have better controls through their Advanced Distribution Suite.  With this suite, your team can easily manage purchasing from requests to receipt. Acumatica Advanced Distribution Suite – Requests It simply begins with an employee entering a request for an item. … Read more

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Acumatica Lifecycle
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The New Acumatica Product Lifecycle and Support Policy (Hint: It’s Good News!)

Acumatica Product Release Stages Acumatica’s Product Releases are designed to deliver high quality versions of the product on a predictable schedule allowing customers to stay on the most current release of the product and at the same time have ample time to preview major upgrades before going into production. Supported Releases Acumatica is constantly innovating … Read more

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Agility Acumatica
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Free Whitepaper: The Value of Agility in ERP During Disruptive Times

Yes, you can survive business disruption, just not with your legacy ERP. This new Whitepaper from Mint Jutras lays out the value of having an agile ERP platform. Disruption Everyone knows it could be coming soon to their market-with or without warning, but nobody likes to think about it.  It’s not just new competition, it’s … Read more

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Acumatica Attributes
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New in Acumatica 2018 R2: Using Attributes as User Defined Fields (No Programming Required!)

In a previous blog, we discussed how to add custom data fields to a form and also discussed the advantages and limitations of Attributes. Prior to the Acumatica 2018 R2 update, Attributes were only available for Customer Management (e.g. Leads, Contacts, Cases, Opportunities, Business Accounts, and Marketing Campaigns), Inventory Items, Projects, Employees, Vendors, and Customers. In … Read more

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Pricing strategy in Acumatica
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Understanding Item Pricing & Discounts in Acumatica

Before you jump into the Acumatica screen to set up item pricing, you should think about what drives pricing on your products.  Things such as: Stock or non-stock item Default price Sales price The customer The price class Discounts Currency Unit of measure Location Warehouse Markup percent And possibly more Note: Acumatica’s sales order entry … Read more

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AWS and Acumatica: The ROI of Modern Cloud Solutions

The choice to upgrade to a modern cloud solution from a legacy system is imperative if a business wants to thrive. But such a significant investment of time and money should be researched thoroughly and most probably will require evidence of your Return on Investment. Acumatica’s Whitepaper, ROI Analysis of Replacement ERP, provides the tools for … Read more

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Acumatica CRM
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How to Edit the CRM Source Pick List in Acumatica

In Acumatica you will find a number of drop-down or pick lists defined in Automation Steps.  You can edit these lists however, it can be tedious and you don’t want to miss anything.  Here’s a quick tutorial.   Basics of Automation Steps Acumatica Automation Steps and also known as workflows.  They consist of nodes and … Read more

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