Acumatica CRM Enhancements
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Acumatica CRM Enhancements from 2017R2 to 2019R1

Acumatica Version 2017R2 Improved Marketing Lists and Campaigns – Marketing lists and campaigns have been significantly improved, so user can more efficiently perform marketing activities, track relevant expenses and revenue, and analyze statistical information on campaigns. Opportunity Stages for Each Opportunity Class – Acumatica ERP now provides the functionality that a user can use to … Read more

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Acumatica and Salesforce Integration
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Can You Really Integrate Salesforce CRM and Acumatica ERP? Yes!

Salesforce and Acumatica have spent the better part of their history in opposition to each other. Salesforce, touted by many as the first SaaS cloud product on the market, has delivered customer relationship management solutions via the internet for the last two decades. Acumatica, on the other hand, launched in 2008 to deliver a suite … Read more

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Cloud ERP Fabrication
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Is the Fabrication Industry Ready for Cloud ERP?

Fabrication is a tough business. Commodities prices fluctuate rapidly, offshoring creates new competition, and new technologies present additional risk. It’s a perfect storm, and to weather it, you need to balance customer-centric business practices with demand for cost optimization, speed, and flexibility. Following our last blog discussing some of the things that fabrication companies including … Read more

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Acumatica Dashboard Tip
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The Best Acumatica Dashboard Tip

Acumatica web-based ERP provides the robust dashboard capability that most Clients demand.  Dashboards provide access to real-time information in consumable bites.  You can view dashboards when you log into Acumatica through your web browser or view them on the Mobile App. So how do you move away from reporting and make this powerful tool work … Read more

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Time to Upgrade Acumatica
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Have you upgraded your Acumatica system lately?

Are you running an old version of Acumatica?  If so, you need to consider an upgrade.  Acumatica stopped supporting version 6.0 at the end of January 2019.  We just received notification that support will end on version 2017R2 July 31st, 2019.  What does that mean for you?  If you are on an Acumatica version older … Read more

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Business Attributes in Acumatica
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An Intro to Acumatica Custom Attributes (Old vs. New Versions)  

One of our favorite systems just got better! Acumatica has some fresh new attributes and options available; these enhancements are designed to make your workflow run smoothly and allow you to be even more efficient. The latest changes make Acumatica even more intuitive and easier to use, from simple things like automatically updating input information … Read more

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ten reasons why
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10 Reasons Why It May Be Time to Upgrade from QuickBooks

As your business grows, you may find your organization struggling with the limitations of software designed for smaller concerns. Everyone has to start somewhere, so it’s only natural that you will eventually outgrow the systems you had at the beginning. This is particularly true of accounting packages. QuickBooks, for example, is a fantastic resource for … Read more

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Acumatica Fabrication
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What Should Companies in Fabrication Look for in ERP?

Those in the fabrication industry have unique needs—both in the form of project management, materials planning, and contracts, often needing more than a traditional manufacturing-focused ERP can provide. In an industry like yours, change is frequent—whether those are design changes, contract changes, or anything of the like, you need to remain agile enough to adapt … Read more

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New Features on Collections Management for Dynamics SL
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Acumatica 2019 R1 Just Released! Take a Look at the New Features

This January, Acumatica held its largest Summit to date with over 1,400 customers and over 85 Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). For those of you that were not able to attend, they released Acumatica’s latest version, 2019 R1.  Here are the highlights of some of my favorite new features!   Platform Usability Upgrades Multi-factor authentication Branch … Read more

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Acumatica versus Netsuite
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Acumatica vs. NetSuite: The True Cloud Showdown

Acumatica vs. NetSuite. Two true cloud options—but is there a true winner? At Crestwood Associates, we have been in the business of customizing, implementing, and delivering business-changing software for more than two decades. As one of the leading channel partners in North America, we would today like to explore the key differences and compare two … Read more

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Collections Management for Acumatica
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Collections Management for Acumatica

Increase cash flow and reduce collection times through automation There is an uptick in expectations around finance teams to be innovative as well as efficient. With this, more leaders in this area are looking for ways to work smarter, not harder. Modern CFOs are increasingly turning to cloud-based financial management systems to replace legacy ERP … Read more

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ERP Implementation Champion
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Why Every ERP Project Needs a Champion

Every business that sees the necessity of new ERP system software does so with the knowledge that ERP implementations can be challenging. Which leads to the question: is there someone who can do the big lifting, someone who can make the process a smooth and successful transition? We call that person the “champion,” and every … Read more

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Acumatica Report Writer
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How to Use Acumatica Report Designer

Acumatica uses report templates for most of the out-of-the-box forms and reports. This makes creating new reports so much faster and more efficient.  Within these templates, you can view and change the appearance settings to suit your needs. Or you can start creating a new report, then add in the template; all the formatting will … Read more

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