Acumatica 2020 R2 Release
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What is Your Acumatica Upgrade Plan?

The end of the year is fast approaching – do you have a plan? Acumatica 2020 R2 was launched recently, and with that Acumatica will be retiring version 2019 R1 at the end of January (January 31, 2021).  [Join us on October 29th for a webinar discussing all the new features! And don’t forget that … Read more

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Acumatica 1099-NEC Reporting Changes

Earlier this year, the IRS announced some big changes to reporting non-employee compensation and 1099 forms for the 2020 tax year. The 1099-NEC has moved non-employee compensation (box 7) off of the 1099-MISC to a new form: 1099-NEC. Changes to 1099 Forms – A History Lesson The IRS made the change because there was an … Read more

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Navigating Acumatica
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Easy Ways to Navigate Through Acumatica

New to Acumatica? Still trying to figure out how to find things such as files, forms, customer records, or help topics? Fret no more, find exactly what you are looking for with these tips. Start out by typing in a word, name, or phrase or the keyword that represents what you are looking for in … Read more

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Crestwood Add-on Advanced Commissions
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Advanced Commissions in Acumatica

Save hours of time calculating, verifying, and paying out commissions with Advanced Commissions from Crestwood Associates. Native functionality (no more Excel!) Enhanced customizable plans And much more This natively-built add-on module allows you virtually unlimited commission calculation flexibility to meet all your unique business needs. High-level overview of Advanced Commissions: First, the salesperson is tied … Read more

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Quick Acumatica Tip
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How to Create Sections in Acumatica Attributes

Attributes are pre-defined custom fields that you can easily set up and use to capture data, validate or store information for many different data entry screens in Acumatica; such as, Customers, Vendors, Inventory, Leads, Opportunities, Projects, AP, AR etc. We use quite a few attributes in our own internal Acumatica system.  However, it’s become a … Read more

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Power BI
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Power BI Report Server or Power BI SaaS: which is right for me?

Recently, Crestwood was asked three questions that pertain to Power BI in the cloud (the Microsoft SaaS offering) and how it compares to the on-premise (or cloud-hosted) Power BI Report Server solution.  Both solutions enable Power BI reports and visualization construction by leveraging the power of Microsoft’s Power BI services, but there are notable differences … Read more

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Drive growth in Acumatica
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How Acumatica is Forging Ahead in the ERP World

One of the biggest dangers is failing to keep up with the expectations of current and prospective customers. In 2000, the Fortune 500 top 30 featured major players of the day such as Sears, Enron, Compaq, Lucent, MCI WorldCom, and Kmart Holdings. Being great at a point in time doesn’t mean perpetual greatness. Steve Jobs … Read more

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Setting Reminders for Business Events in Acumatica
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Using Business Events for Approval Reminders in Acumatica

Acumatica introduced Business Events in Acumatica ERP 2018 R1. Business Events provide a platform to monitor data and events and create actions such as an email notification or an import scenario. Our clients have used Business Events for notifications on events such as: Additions of new customer locations to confirm tax settings. Purchase receipts created … Read more

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Removing Duplicates in Acumatica
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Removing Duplicates from GIs in Acumatica

Sometimes you need to add an additional table to a simple Generic Inquiry in Acumatica in order to get data that is not in the original table.  If the new table has a many-to-one relationship with the original table, you can see duplicates, (or worse: entries as many times as there are records in the … Read more

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Shortcuts in Acumatica
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Acumatica Shortcuts – Shift F to Filter

I was on a certification training webinar with Acumatica recently, and during the meeting, the Acumatica team showed a shortcut trick that I think everyone in our community needs to know about. It’s possible that you already do, but if not, it is worth the few minutes to read. Acumatica has built many amazing inquiry … Read more

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Acumatica 2019 R2 - Financial Features
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New Financial Features in Acumatica 2019 R2

Acumatica 2019 R2 was released in September, 2019 and included more than 100 improvements, enhancements, and new features.  The release notes are extensive covering additions in the platform, usability, financial management, project accounting, inventory and order management, construction, field service, and manufacturing.  Many of these new features were developed by user requests, to make Acumatica … Read more

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Acumatica 2020 R1 New Features
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Acumatica 2020 R1: New Financial Features

I know you probably love reading all the release notes for the new versions of Acumatica, but I’ll save you some time and give you the cliff notes.  Here is a list and screen shot of the new financial features in Acumatica 2020 R1. Banking Payables Receivables Fixed Assets Taxes Banking Validate External Transactions Form … Read more

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