Crestwood Blog

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Mekorma Windows 10 and .Net Framework Updates

Mekorma users are experiencing an issue where previous builds are not compatible with the Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7 and Windows 10 Creator updates.  The two common behaviors you may encounter exhibiting this problem include: Security warning stating users are not authorized to print out of checkbooks. Warning: Unhandled object exception: The parameter is incorrect. Microsoft … Read more

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Filters & Permissions in Acumatica

This question came up from a customer recently, and it’s good one – so I wanted to share it. In Acumatica, on the GL entry screens and grids, users have the ability to create custom “Filters” which show as tabs across the top.   These filters can be shared with other Acumatica users.   However, by default, … Read more

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Multi Company Formatting Tips in Dynamics SL

Many of our customers have multiple companies in Dynamics SL. Some are in separate application databases, and some are all in one single database. Either way, below are some tips when managing multiple companies. Companies can be color-coded. This allows users to quickly see which company they are logged into for various SL screens: To … Read more

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Acumatica 2017 Go Lives

At Crestwood, we are thrilled with the success of Acumatica and the mindshare it has gained among those considering new ERP deployments.  We are continually impressed with the underlying technology, organizational responsiveness and leadership team.  In short, we find Acumatica to be a terrific business partner, for our clients and Crestwood alike. The excitement we … Read more

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Missing the Messages.CSV in Dynamics SL

A customer called me last week and had received the following error about a messages.csv file missing from the associated folder in Microsoft Dynamics SL. “Unable to locate the message file c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\SL\Applications\MESSAGES.CVS” The Fix: The messages.csv file needs to be re-created or restored from a backup.  To recreate the file perform the … Read more

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Limited Users in Microsoft Dynamics GP

We get a lot of questions from Microsoft Dynamics GP Administrators on the User Type field when creating new users. The most common question is, “What’s a Limited type user”? What is a Limited User? Limited user licenses are 80% less expensive than Full users, but these users can only read information within Dynamics GP. … Read more

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Reconcile to GL Routine in Microsoft Dynamics GP

There is a very powerful tool in Microsoft Dynamics GP that can greatly reduce the time it takes you to find errors between your Trial Balances in your subledgers (Purchasing, Receivables, Inventory, Bank Reconciliation) and your General Ledger (GL). This tool is called the Reconcile to GL routine and can be found by going to … Read more

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Quick Fix for Dynamics GP “End Point Not Listening” Errors

A client recently encountered an issue where the eConnect integration he was using out of SQL stopped working. He received the following error despite of several attempts to repair: “There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/Microsoft/Dynamics/GP/eConnect/EntityOperations that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if … Read more

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When State Auditors Head out of State

Reposted from Avalara Auditors are on the move. While most businesses expect (i.e., dread) to be audited by their home department of revenue, it often comes as a surprise to learn that state tax authorities routinely send auditors to, or hire auditors from, other states to capture unreported sales and use tax revenue. Some states … Read more

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eConnect & Dynamics GP Error

There is no MTS object context (Exception from HRESULT: XXXXXXX) We have a client using eConnect to integrate truck and transportation related billing data into Dynamics GP 2013. When they added a version of eConnect to a second machine to run the integrations, they ran into some issues. After setting up the service and checking … Read more

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Oh My, How You Have Grown! Excessive File Size Growth in Management Reporter (MR) Database

Has your MR database gotten so big it’s out of hand? I recently encountered issues relating to the excessively large size of Management Reporter (MR). So, I wanted to remind everyone of the importance of maintenance of your MR system, and associated data sets. Here are my recommendations for MR maintenance: Have a current backup … Read more

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