Crestwood Blog

Ship Engine Add-on solution for Acumatica
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Integrating Third-Party Add-Ons with Acumatica (ShipEngine Sample Case)

Acumatica is such a powerful, user-friendly platform in part because it’s so customizable for every customer’s unique needs. Whether it’s out-of-the-box functionality that just need small tweaks from experienced developers or any number of external add-on products. One of those add-on products that we recommend, and that our customers use frequently, is ShipEngine. ShipEngine allows … Read more

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ACH payment in acumatica
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Modifying Acumatica ACH Export Scenarios

A customer’s bank may require modifications to the ACH file that you send them from the Payables module during payment processing.  Here are some steps to show how to modify or add additional fields and lines in that file. First, get the bank specifications from your customer or bank. In this scenario, Chase Bank required … Read more

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2020 Budget
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Is Your Company’s Budgeting Process Stuck in the Past?

It happens every year. Fire up the email and spreadsheets, it’s budgeting and planning season. The email leading up to the beginning of the process is sent out and a collective ‘ugh’ runs through your organization. Why? Because despite being a necessary way to set aside money, this annual tradition is inefficient, inflexible, and relatively … Read more

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Processing Prepayments in Payables in Acumatica

We get a lot of questions in support about how to process prepayments in accounts payable in Acumatica. Prepayments are used when you need to create an advance payment or a down payment to a vendor. There are two ways to create a prepayment. Standard way: enter the prepayment in the Bills and Adjustments screen. … Read more

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Dynamics 365 Business Central Learning Resources
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2020 – The New Year Brings Lots of Training Options for Dynamics 365 Business Central

I have noticed a ton of new videos, tutorials, documentation, and overall training materials coming out lately for Dynamics 365.  Seems that the New Year is going to be booming for Dynamics 365!  Here are a couple of recommended and free training places. Crestwood First, don’t forget, Crestwood has a YouTube channel with a playlist … Read more

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Dynamics GP Payroll Tax Updates
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Dynamics GP 2020 U.S. Payroll Tax Update Release

The 2020 Round 1 tax update has been released.  There are new federal tax tables published based on 15-T, including new head of household status, and withholding tax tables.  Additionally, FICA social security limit for 2020 is increased to $137,700. State updates include: California Illinois Iowa Kentucky Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri North Caroline North Dakota … Read more

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CRM Functionality in D365 BC
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CRM Functionality in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics Business Central comes with built-in light customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities as part of the Essentials license. Click here for a full overview of Dynamics 365 Business Central’s functionality. Dynamics 365 Business Central Essentials or Premium users have access to Campaign Management, Campaign Pricing, Contact Classification, Contact Management, Opportunity Management, Relationship Management, and … Read more

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Acumatica Training Video
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Video How-To’s: Three Acumatica Features To Get Familiar With

Hopefully by now, you’ve upgraded to Acumatica 2019 R2! Acumatica is routinely adding new features and improving on current functions. Below are three quick how-to videos for previously added functions; one is exporting Generic Inquiry Parameters to Excel and Pivot Tables, another is Landed Costs and finally GDPR Compliance for Acumatica. Stay tuned for more short … Read more

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Crestwood Cloud
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Are You Sure that You’re Really in the Cloud? A Gray Market Cloud Horror Story

You are a savvy business owner; your business processes and ERP are backed up in the cloud. You’ve seen the statistics, heard the horror stories, and you’ve made the necessary steps to feel secure. But what does “in the cloud” really mean? How secure is your data really? Gray Market Cloud Spells Doom for One … Read more

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