Crestwood Blog

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Using Microsoft Stream for In-House Video

Video is a powerful tool, and an increasingly necessary one for businesses of all sizes. From the marketing department to the sales team, human resources to consultants, video can be used to automate processes, set yourself apart from competitors, and tell stories that would be difficult (or worse – boring) with just text. If you … Read more

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Acumatica 1099-NEC Reporting Changes

Earlier this year, the IRS announced some big changes to reporting non-employee compensation and 1099 forms for the 2020 tax year. The 1099-NEC has moved non-employee compensation (box 7) off of the 1099-MISC to a new form: 1099-NEC. Changes to 1099 Forms – A History Lesson The IRS made the change because there was an … Read more

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Navigating Acumatica
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Easy Ways to Navigate Through Acumatica

New to Acumatica? Still trying to figure out how to find things such as files, forms, customer records, or help topics? Fret no more, find exactly what you are looking for with these tips. Start out by typing in a word, name, or phrase or the keyword that represents what you are looking for in … Read more

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D365 BC SMTP Setup
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Dynamics 365 Business Central: SMTP Setup with Azure MFA App Passwords

Setting the SMTP Email Setup in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is pretty simple, however if you have an account with Authentication requirements, then you will need to take a few extra steps for setup.  (You’ll need to able to create App Passwords via To begin, use the magnifying glass icon to search SMTP … Read more

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Microsoft Office
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Microsoft Announces the Retirement of Office 2010! Have you upgraded Yet?

With Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) growing and expanding its capabilities rapidly, Microsoft announced they are retiring Office 2010 on October 13, 2020. What does that mean? It means you need to upgrade to Microsoft 365. Office 2010 will no longer be available for download, technical support or have any further updates on security. Office … Read more

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Writeoff payments in GP
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Writeoffs in Dynamics GP

I had a client recently inquire as to how to write off small amounts. The Write Off Documents routine is usually a part of the AR Month End process, but you may complete it at any time.  With this tool you can write off overpayments and underpayments quickly and easily for all customers, regardless of … Read more

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Crestwood Add-on Advanced Commissions
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Advanced Commissions in Acumatica

Save hours of time calculating, verifying, and paying out commissions with Advanced Commissions from Crestwood Associates. Native functionality (no more Excel!) Enhanced customizable plans And much more This natively-built add-on module allows you virtually unlimited commission calculation flexibility to meet all your unique business needs. High-level overview of Advanced Commissions: First, the salesperson is tied … Read more

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Quick Acumatica Tip
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How to Create Sections in Acumatica Attributes

Attributes are pre-defined custom fields that you can easily set up and use to capture data, validate or store information for many different data entry screens in Acumatica; such as, Customers, Vendors, Inventory, Leads, Opportunities, Projects, AP, AR etc. We use quite a few attributes in our own internal Acumatica system.  However, it’s become a … Read more

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Multifactor Authenticator
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Crestwood Cloud: Now Offering Multifactor Authentication (MFA) for Dynamics GP & SL

Every day we hear about systems being attacked by hackers.  Securing your data is top priority.  By hosting your Dynamics GP or SL system in the Crestwood Cloud, you get peace of mind that your system is secure. We already offer multifactor authentication and single sign on for Acumatica through Azure AD, but extending it … Read more

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Teams Tips and Tricks
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What is the Difference between Microsoft Teams and SharePoint? & How to Use Them to Help Locate Exactly What You Need

Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Here at Crestwood we’ve been using Microsoft Teams for approximately a year now and we’ve become very familiar with its features. Saying that, doesn’t mean we know it all, because we don’t, or at least I don’t. I can honestly tell you we learn something new just about every other week. … Read more

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Dynamics GP Error - Journal Printing
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Dynamics GP Error: Journal Printing Interrupted

A “Journal Printing Interrupted” error while posting sub ledger (AP, AP, Inventory, et cetera) transaction batches in Microsoft Dynamics GP can be among the most frustrating and cryptic error messages an ERP system can generate.  This error only occurs during the posting process and generally is not manifested when a batch edit report is generated, … Read more

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General Ledger in Dynamics 365 Business Central
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Purchase Order Processing and the Various General Ledger Entries in Dynamics 365 Business Central

There are two options in the Inventory Setup window that need to be considered when defining the various posting accounts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. We will go through how these options create different GL entries during the purchase order process so you can make the selection that is best for your procedures. The … Read more

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