Acumatica CRM
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The Latest in Acumatica CRM 

We don’t need to tell you the importance of a good CRM system. Customer Relationship Management is a fairly new module in Acumatica, and each release comes with a set of new features. We’re going to look at the latest updates below. Business Accounts New Layout of Business Accounts Form The Details tab has been … Read more

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Acumatica 2019 R2 - Financial Features
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ATTENTION ACUMATICA E-FILERS: The 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC files generated by the Create E-File form were not submitted electronically by the FIRE system

Please note: if you are using the FIRE system to file 1099-MISC/-NEC, the file structure is incorrect. Please reach out to your CAM or Crestwood support IMMEDIATELY for help installing the customization package to fix this issue. See the filing dates for 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC details. The problem: (Per Acumatica help files) The 1099-MISC and … Read more

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Acumatica 2019 R2 - Financial Features
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New Financial Features in Acumatica 2019 R2

Acumatica 2019 R2 was released in September, 2019 and included more than 100 improvements, enhancements, and new features.  The release notes are extensive covering additions in the platform, usability, financial management, project accounting, inventory and order management, construction, field service, and manufacturing.  Many of these new features were developed by user requests, to make Acumatica … Read more

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Acumatica 2020 R1 New Features
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Acumatica 2020 R1: New Financial Features

I know you probably love reading all the release notes for the new versions of Acumatica, but I’ll save you some time and give you the cliff notes.  Here is a list and screen shot of the new financial features in Acumatica 2020 R1. Banking Payables Receivables Fixed Assets Taxes Banking Validate External Transactions Form … Read more

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Acumatica CRM
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How to Edit the CRM Source Pick List in Acumatica

In Acumatica you will find a number of drop-down or pick lists defined in Automation Steps.  You can edit these lists however, it can be tedious and you don’t want to miss anything.  Here’s a quick tutorial.   Basics of Automation Steps Acumatica Automation Steps and also known as workflows.  They consist of nodes and … Read more

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keyboard shortcuts
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Keyboard Shortcuts in Acumatica

Acumatica exists to save you time, decrease errors, and ultimately save money. One way for users to superpower that efficiency is with keyboard shortcuts. We’ve written before about the reasons to use keyboard shortcuts, but here’s a refresher: Increase efficiency What would take 4 clicks with a mouse can be accomplished with a single keystroke, … Read more

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Missing Screens & Disappearing Filters in Acumatica

The Quick Menu in Acumatica is definitely a customer favorite.  It’s great – you can choose which screens you want displayed, easily and without much clicking around.  My favorite feature of the Quick Menu in Acumatica is the ability to set up email notifications based on actions being triggered.  For example, you’d like a notification … Read more

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Reclassifying Batches in Acumatica

Do you have batches where one line that is recorded to a wrong account, subaccount, or branch?  You probably don’t want to reverse the whole transaction to fix it.  In Acumatica, using the Reclassify action allows you to change the one line of a batch that needs to be fixed,  instead of Reversing the whole … Read more

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1099 Tax
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Acumatica – 1099 Processing for Multi-branch Companies

Here’s a handy tip when processing 1099s for a company set up with multi-branches.  By configuring a reporting only branch, you can prepare consolidated 1099 data for each vendor for a company with multiple branches in Acumatica.  No transactions are posted to this consolidated branch. Its sole purpose is restricted to reporting data. In this … Read more

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New Changes in Acumatica Snapshot Management

Acumatica recently release some changes when it comes to taking snapshots of your system.  At a quick glance, you now need to have everyone out of the system prior to taking a snapshot. Here are the details: If you have questions or need some assistance, visit our support page for more help.

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