Virtual Invoices for Dynamics GP
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Getting to a Remote Workforce

We realize you might be tired of hearing about COVID-19, but if you need assistance getting your employees safe, secure, and reliable remote access so you can keep your business moving forward, we have a special offer for you. Crestwood, along with Microsoft, bring to you: Free Microsoft Office licenses for six months (including web … Read more

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Multifactor Authentication
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Intelligent enforcement of multifactor authentication with Azure Conditional Access and Acumatica

In today’s blog post we are going to explore some of the capabilities of Azure working together with Acumatica to provide an easy to use and secure way to log into Acumatica. You can use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) as your identity provider for single sign on into Acumatica.  But beyond that, we are … Read more

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Crestwood Cloud
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Are You Sure that You’re Really in the Cloud? A Gray Market Cloud Horror Story

You are a savvy business owner; your business processes and ERP are backed up in the cloud. You’ve seen the statistics, heard the horror stories, and you’ve made the necessary steps to feel secure. But what does “in the cloud” really mean? How secure is your data really? Gray Market Cloud Spells Doom for One … Read more

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True Cloud vs Fake Cloud
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Warning Signs You Might be Working with Fake Cloud Distribution Software

Distribution is a complicated business. Ensuring products flow properly, people work effectively, and cash moves smoothly is a necessity, but too often, processes get gummed up and technology becomes more of a hindrance than a help. This is especially true if you are relying on outdated or undersized technology for the job at hand. Unfortunately, … Read more

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Virtual Invoices for Dynamics GP
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Dynamics GP and Forms Printer – it slices & it dices!

Every organization has unique business processes, and tailoring solutions to meet, automate, and scale those processes can be very rewarding wins for your organization.  We had a rather unusual client requirement come through that we were able to accommodate in Microsoft Dynamics GP with the addition of Accountable Software’s Forms Printer application. The Problem A … Read more

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From Nightmare to Triumph – Disaster Recovery and Maintaining Business Continuity with the Crestwood Cloud

If someone asked you right now where your backups are located, would you know? Are you sure your ERP system even HAS reliable backups, with easy access should disaster strike? We don’t ask this to scare you, but we know from experience how critical having a reliable and robust backup plan in place is to … Read more

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Migrating to the Crestwood Cloud, How Does It Work?

You may be wondering how Crestwood takes an on-premise application like the Microsoft Dynamics ERP software suite and migrates it to the cloud, maintaining business continuity during the transition, and how the move benefits your organization.  Let’s take a look at the process. First Things First Crestwood will start by analyzing your existing system, taking … Read more

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