The Dynamics GP Mid-Year Upgrade: What’s New and Upcoming

Upgrade Dynamics GP

The 2021 mid-year release for Dynamics GP is officially here! 


The big thing to note is this: this is the LAST update for Dynamics GP 2016. If you are currently running GP 2016, you will not receive a year-end update for the 2021. Be sure to reach out to your Crestwood CAM about planning your upgrade to Dynamics GP 18.3/18.4 (or even trying out Business Central!)

For all the details and a list of all the bug fixes, Microsoft Dynamics GP guru, Terry Heley sent out a great update.  Read it here.

What’s the Future for GP?

Some dates to keep an eye on for the future:

October 2021 – Fall 2021 Release: Version 18.4

November 2021 – 2021 Year-End Release

As we mentioned above, Dynamics GP 2016 will NOT receive a year-end update for 2021.
The patches for Dynamics GP 2018 are all-inclusive so just as it has in the past, year-end will include the Fall 2021 release.

Is GP Going Away?

Terry’s blog says, “Don’t believe what you hear.” Dynamics GP is not going anywhere; it is on the price sheet, they continue to release, and are planning features for this fall.

They are not “ending sale of additional users” and there is NO planned announcement of that.

Once the lifecycle is officially updated, Terry (and then WE) will publish a blog that will come from Microsoft clearing up all the confusion.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t still think about moving onto a new, cloud-based system! We’ve had quite a few clients make the switch to Business Central, and they’re loving it.  Read the Top Ten Reasons Businesses are Swtiching from Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 Business Central.

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