A Simple Way to View Tables with a URL in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Custom URLs in Business Central

Here is a really interesting tip! A customer of ours was looking to add the Vendor Order Number field to their Posted Invoices list. After researching, we found that it potentially involved connecting a separate table. We thought a customization was in order, but then I learned about an interesting workaround – editing the URL to change the way that the data is displayed.

You can add all sorts of things to your URL – a page, a query, a report. It seems fairly technical (Microsoft Docs has a detailed explanation here on editing URLs ) but the main idea is simple:

In Business Central, just change the URL at the top to view any table and it will show all fields from that table. In this case, the Posted Purchase Invoice header table is 122 so I just changed the path:


Note the change at the end of the URL.

It will now show the Vendor Order No. as a column and you can filter on any of the columns:

Dynamics 365 Business Central

Obviously for this to work, you need to know what the table number is that contains your data. But that is as simple as making a cheat sheet for situations like this.

We know that seems a little technical, so be sure to reach out to us if you have an issue. But once you get the hang of it, it is a clever way to view almost anything in your system!

For our visual learners out there, click here if you’d like to view a video of the URL editing process.

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