Change User Type to System Admin in Dynamics GP

Safety data access, computer network security, user account pass

A client recently had some changes in their IT department that required the accounting department to no longer use the System Administrator (SA) user. In order to use an existing Dynamics GP user account or create a new user account with SA-level permissions, the following permission and access need to be assigned.

SSRS SQL Service Reporting

Dynamics GP Steps

First, open Dynamics GP. Navigate to the User screen, and then Setup New User, if needed.

Dynamics GP User Setup

Now, on to User Access. Assign access to companies.

Dynamics GP User Setup

Next, navigate to User Security, and assign Power User permissions.

Dynamics GP User Setup

SQL Steps

Next, you need to open SQL and navigate to the SQL User Account. Assign SECURITYADMIN server role.

Dynamics GP User Setup

Now it’s time to Change Role Membership. Head over to Database User Account –> Database Role Membership. The roles need to be assigned at Dynamics DB and all Company databases.


Dynamics GP User Setup

And now your System Administrators are all set. Be sure to subscribe to our blog and our YouTube channel for more tips!

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