AP Bills and Adjustments: Using Pre-Release vs. Release in Acumatica

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

Now that we are all working remotely, we need new ways to get our job done and collaborate with our teams. This often means using our ERP solution more effectively. Today we will review the Pre-Release functionality in Acumatica Accounts Payable and how it’s used for quick AP Bill Payment.

The Acumatica Accounts Payables module can be used with Approval Maps for the authorization of AP Bills. But if an AP Bill is rejected, the approval process starts over. In most situations, this makes sense.  However, some clients need another solution.

Your other option is to use the Pre-Release capability. If enabled, the Pre-Release function allows you to enter an AP bill, have the liability hit your General Ledger immediately, and then change the GL account even after processing the payment (yes, I said after processing the payment).

Acumatica AP Pre-Release status example:

You are in Accounts Payable and working from home. You need to get an AP Bill entered but you are not sure of the proper GL Account to use and it is important that you book the liability today.  What do you do?

Step 1:  Enter the AP Bill as you normally would. Save it (and make sure it is NOT on hold). The default GL Account is 50000 but you think that this is not correct for this transaction.

Step 2:  Instead of using the “Release” action in the menu. Select “Pre-Release” in the menu. This will change the document “Status” to “Pre-Released”.

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

Once you have Pre-Released the AP Bill, look at the Financial Details Tab. You will see that the GL transaction has been created and you have a “Pre-Releasing Batch Number.”

If you click on the Batch Number, you will be taken to the Journal Entry. Notice that the transaction has hit a “Reclassification Account” and NOT the 50000 account.

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

Step 3:  On the AP Bill you just created. Click on Activities in the top right-hand section of the screen. Create an Activity. This will allow you to create a Task or other Activity for another team member to review this AP Bill.

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

Step 4:  Now, if you need to you can pay the AP Bill. Yes, that is what I said. You can pay the AP Bill. In the Pre-Release status, you could make this payment under Actions>Pay Bill/Apply Adjustment.  Once you complete the processes to pay the AP Bill the Applications tab on the AP bill will be updated with the payment information.

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

Step 5:  In the meantime, your co-worker or manager can go into the AP Bill and make the needed changes to the GL Account. In this example, change the GL account from 50000 to 61000. Then you can release the Bill so that it is now moved from a Pre-Released status to a Closed Status. Now, if you look on the Financial Details Tab, you will see a “Batch Number” above the “Pre-Release Batch number.

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

Click on the Batch Number and look at that Journal Transaction. You will notice that the Reclassification account has been credited and the new GL account of 61000 has been debited.

AP Bills and Adjustments in Acumatica

Acumatica AP Pre-Release Status FAQ’s:

Q:  What if I don’t see Pre-Release as a menu option?

A: The Pre-Release function is only available if the “Expense Reclassification” feature has been enabled under the Finance features section.

Q:  How did the system pick the Reclassification Account?

A:  The account itself is set up in your Chart of Accounts.  One the Vendor Master record you associate the Reclassification Account (and subaccount) on the GL Accounts Tab.


This solution is not right for everyone. As always, be sure to check with your Crestwood Client Account Manager or Crestwood Consultant before implementing.

I hope this was helpful. Please look for other Crestwood Acumatica Blogs to help you get the most out Acumatica.

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