Display Unit Price and Gross Profit along with Item Master Data (in Dynamics GP)

SmartList Designer Tips

The next SmartList Designer tip is for the inventory module in Microsoft Dynamics GP. When you view the item master data view that comes out of the box, some fields like unit price and gross margin aren’t available to display as a column. This is because that data is stored in a different table. The solution is to combine the two data tables using SmartList Designer. In this example, we will work with a default view, add an additional table, then create a calculated field from the two tables.

How to Display the Unit Price on Item Master

In this example, we will create a new SmartList based off an existing SmartList for Items. First, highlight the Inventory folder and click new.

Scroll to the bottom and expand Views > Company.

Select the following fields from the Items list:

Now scroll to the top and expand Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tables > Inventory > Item Currency Master. Then, add the List Price field and enter the Relationship, per below:

Using a Calculated Field to Display the Gross Margin on Item Master

Click on the function (fx) button to add the calculated field.

Name the field “Gross Profit” and select Currency as the Type. Select the following table fields to create the calculation:

{Item Currency Master.List Price}-{[Items].[Current Cost]}

Click Save and it will tell you the field is valid.

Click OK to view the new list.

Then, change the format of currency field. Click modify. Then click the symbol next to currency field.

Define currency format options.

The new list will appear under the Inventory folder with the list price, current cost, and gross profit fields.

And voila! Your SmartList now has all the relevant info for each item in your inventory! If you have questions or need some assistance, visit our support page for more help. We love solving these types of problems! For more SmartList Designer tips like this, view our recorded webinar.

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