Importing Budgets to Dynamics SL from Excel

Hand on mouse

Entering budgets directly into Dynamics SL can be a tedious task.  No one wants to enter budgets one account or subaccount at a time.  To save time and reduce mistakes,  it is easier to enter the budget information into Microsoft Excel first, in the proper Dynamics SL format, and then import it.

Steps to import an Excel budget:

  1. First, format your Excel file in the format below. The first column should always be “Budget.”  The Subaccount should not contain dashes.  The Ledger ID is your Budget Ledger ID.  The Import Date column should be left blank.  Once ready, save first as an .xls or .xlsx file.
    Budget Excel template
  2. Then remove the header row and save as a .csv (comma delimited) file. Remember the file path where you saved it.
  3. Log into Dynamics SL (as a user with rights to the Administration module). Under Administration, go to Control Macro Generator.  Open the screen, and enter the values as shown below, changing the Control File Name Path to one you can access.  Again, remember this path for later:

Control Macro Generator Screen for Dynamics SL

  1. Now go to Administration, Transaction Import. Fill in all the fields, where the Data File Name is the file path and file name saved in Step 1.  The Control File Name is the path saved in Step 2.  Match all other fields as shown below:

Transaction Import Window for Dynamics SL

  1. Click the Options button and match the fields as shown, changing the Data Written to Log File field to “Only Data in Error.” Click OK to save the changes:

Transaction Import Options Window for Dynamics SL

  1. Now click the “Begin Processing” button to start importing your budget. You will see the budget loading into the Budget Maintenance screen.
  2. Once the import has finished, click the Edit Errors button. Scroll down, to the bottom.  It should read “The Number of Errors Detected was 0.”  If it reports errors, scroll back up and review them.  It is normally an account or subaccount that does not exist, or you forgot to remove the header row.  Then open the .xls file, not the .csv file, to make changes.  In Excel, delete the column headings and resave again as a .csv file.  Now go back to Transaction Import and import again.


If you have questions or need some assistance, visit our support page for more help.

2 thoughts on “Importing Budgets to Dynamics SL from Excel

  1. Catherine says:

    This is a great tutorial! Is there any way to export out a prior year budget into Excel to be re-manipulated for the current year budget import?

    1. Tiffany Bennett says:

      Thanks for your response! The only way to export a budget from SL is to create a 12 month report in FRx or MR and then it can be sent to Excel.

      Hope that helps!

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