Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM) Relationship Assistant

Relationship Assistant

One of the new features embedded into the social pane throughout Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM) v9.0 is a tab called, Assistant.

The Assistant makes your life easier. How? It tracks daily actions and communications for the contact or record you are on, and the system will generate an, “action card” which is designed to give suggestions on when to reach out to a contact and if a follow up task is approaching!

Relationship Assistant

Where to find the assistant card?

To make sure you never miss an important follow up action with a current or potential customer, the card shows up in multiple places.

  1. Sales Activity Social Dashboard (from left to right as most important to least important action cards)Relationship Assistant


  1. Under the Assistant tab in a record
  1. Or as a carousel above the social pane when you are in a different social pane tab.
    Relationship Assistant

Action card overview

When an action appears, you have the following options – snooze, complete, or close the task.

Relationship Assistant

  1. Snooze button
  2. Complete button
  3. Close task button

I hope you take advantage of the relationship assistant to help you remember where to go and what to do when you are in Dynamics 365 for Sales (CRM).  Let me know what you think of it – leave a comment below.

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