Nothing Happens When I Click on the Dynamics GP Menu

Recently, I came across an issue at a long time Microsoft Dynamics GP client.  When they tried to go to the Receivings / Transaction Entry window via Transactions > Purchasing menu, nothing would happen.  It would not open, even though the option was present in the menu.  Additionally, there was no error message and it didn’t even look like Dynamics GP was trying to open the window.  Don’t get frustrated, here are some things to try.

Things to double check:

Here’s some of the things I checked out at first to trouble shoot this odd issue.

  • I checked the user security.  It showed that the user had the proper access via tasks and roles and the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID showed that the user had access to the stock window.  So, it definitely was not security, according to the GP settings.
  • Next, I tried to add the window as a shortcut from the Navigation Pane.  Dynamics GP generated an error that stated, “Form not found.”  Odd.  This means that the resource is not in the application dictionary but since this resource is present in the Dynamics.dic dictionary, that could mean there was dictionary corruption.  Great – I should be able to copy a known working dictionary to this client.  No luck.
  • Last, on a whim, I decided to open the User Security window and remove all roles to which the user was assigned.  I saved the user, re-opened, and re-assigned the roles.  Success!  Just to be safe, I also reset the Alternate/Modified forms and Reports ID to the DEFAULTUSER setting.

Since the fix, we have had no issues.  The moral of the story:  do not trust what Dynamics GP shows for user security even when you think it’s correct.  Always reset roles and the alternate ID when security or window access seems intermittent or finicky.

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