Invalid Shortcut Path for Dynamics SL Causes the System to Crash on Startup

Maybe this has happened to you?

You try to launch Dynamics SL, and the application crashes without opening.  Next, you verify the path for the Dynamics SL shortcut, and it’s using either an incorrect mapped drive or a UNC path.

This can be caused by several things:

  • User Account Control not being turned off before the client installation was started.
  • Installing from a UNC path vs. a mapped drive.
  • Installing from the incorrect mapped drive.
  • Installing on a Windows 8 or Windows 10 machine, and the mapped drive doesn’t stay mapped.

Here how to fix it and avoid uninstalling and reinstalling the entire Dynamics SL client:

  1. First, change the path for the shortcut to the correct mapped drive and path.
  2. Then, from a cmd prompt or the Start Search window, type “Regedit” and hit Enter.
  3. Within the Registry Editor, browse on the left tree under Computer to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\DynamicsSL.
  4. Modify both the INSTALLDIR and the ParentDirectory to the correct path, i.e. “S:\SL\Applications.”  Click OK to save and close the Edit String window.
    Dynamics SL
  5. Then browse on the left tree to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\Solomon\SolomonIV Tools for Visual Basic.  Modify the ParentDirectory to the correct path, i.e. “S:\SL\Applications.”  Click OK to save and close the Edit String window.
    Dynamics SL
  6. Re-launch Dynamics SL from the shortcut, and it will log in with no problem.

If you have questions or need some assistance, visit our support page for more help.

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