How to Create a New SmartList Using SmartList Designer

Recently, our support team helped a Crestwood customer set up some new SmartLists using SmartList Designer in Microsoft Dynamics GP.  We created this handy, how-to and wanted to share.

Here’s how:

Open SmartList (click the Dynamics GP button and then click SmartList)

Click the New button at the top left of the SmartList window.

Type a name for your new SmartList in the List Name field and select the Product and the Series. These three pieces of information will define where the new SmartList will display within the lists in the SmartList window as well as the title of the SmartList. In the example above, I typed the name ‘_Employee Direct Deposit’, selected Microsoft Dynamics GP as the Product, and Payroll as the series. So my new SmartList will be shown in the Payroll folder in the SmartList window.

In addition, by adding an underscore at the beginning of the SmartList Name, the SmartList is shown at the top of the listings.

Under the Database View section on the left side of the page, click the plus sign next to the Product and then next to the Series that contain the tables with the data that you need to populate the SmartList. In this example, I clicked the plus sign next to Microsoft Dynamics GP product, then I clicked the plus sign next to the Payroll series. And finally I checked the box next to Direct Deposit Employee Account Master. This populated the Selected Fields area with all of the columns from the table.

If you do not need any other data, you can click the OK button at the top. This will create the SmartList as shown below.

Adding additional information to your new SmartList:

If you need to add additional columns from another table, for example if you need to add information related to the Employee, highlight the new SmartList you created and click the Modify button.

To add information from a second table, the second table must have at least one field in common with the first table that you used.

In this example, I clicked the plus sign next to the Microsoft Dynamics GP product, then clicked the plus sign next to the Payroll series, then clicked the plus sign next to Payroll Master, then checked the boxes next to Inactive, Last Name, and First Name. This will add those 3 fields from the Payroll Master (i.e., the Employee Card information).

Because you are adding related information, you must specify the Relationship between the first table you had selected and the table you added. This establishes the link so that the correct data is displayed. Here, the Direct Deposit Employee Account Master is linked to the Payroll Master on the Employee ID field. In the Relationship area, I selected the following:

  • TableName = Direct Deposit Employee Account Master
  • FieldName = Employee ID
  • Relationship Type = Left Outer
  • TableName 2 = Payroll Master
  • FieldName 2 = Employee ID

In addition, you can enter a restriction so that only certain data displays in the SmartList. In the example above, I only wanted to see data for active employees. Thus, in the Filter area, I selected the following information:

  • FieldName = Payroll Master: Inactive
  • Condition = Is
  • Value = 0

Then click OK at the top of the SmartList Designer window to complete the process. The SmartList will display the additional fields added from the Payroll Master and will restrict the data so only the direct deposit information for active employees will display.

Crestwood has a team of Dynamics GP support experts.  If you have questions or need some assistance, visit our support page for more help.

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